hiran's Latest Headlines!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010



    The eyes have become red, looking aweful to represent the hidden sorrow that the world has brought. The heart is beating with pain and the breathe not in its natural flow, each action trying to contemplate what has happened. It’s not the usual state to get back to the normal routine, atleast from the mind’s perspective.
    It is not a new problem that life has brought, that is causing this unrecognized state of awefulness. The reason is not sorrow. Reminding ourselves of the warriors living in the inner places of the self, it is now a belief that the reason for this suffering is not sorrow. Only when the true reason behind this beautiful state is determined, peace can be reestablished. Energizing on the basics of the nature of the true selves, it is only an urge to struggle for the freedom from the ruins of unhappiness.
    When there is a problem in life, it is believed that the solution to the problem also exists in the same life. Not wrong in an understanding of this kind, the steps are being made in the light of perseverance. Each step towards the dawn of impossibility seems that the journey is against the will and wish of all the people around. But it is the voice coming from the inside that makes the judgement, confirming that all these people are wrong. Blending into their opinions to see the platform from which they are speaking, it can now be understood that the real force which makes the people’s advices or suggestions comes from the ponds of negativity arising from the roots of an opposition. The opposition is called FEAR.

Live it!
Until you understand that you are still alive…
Strive to win over it!!
Until you understand fearlessness as a state, that is still alive…

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Recollecting the happenings in my life, let me write this beautiful story. One day I entered a room, which was filled with darkness that seemed unlimited in all its dimensions. Nothing was visible. I stayed and lived in the place where anger, frustration and tears had no meaning. There was no one to listen or speak to. With the dreadful darkness around me the only companions were the hopeless, weak thoughts.
Suddenly there was a feeling of hope taking roots from where I am, when I found a candle. It seemed as though the strength of my emotion touched the plane of the heavens, which brought help. Now, with the candle lighted I was reassured that the nature was helping me. For once I adored, respected and fell in love with the candle which showed me the world. I could now enjoy every bit of my existence as the room was filled with exquisitely beautiful things. There were no more thoughts but only pure happiness and joy that ruled my kingdom of life. The candle now appeared as God. It felt as though there was nothing more beautiful and lovely than this candle that I respect the most.
In this mesmerizing flow of events, there was one thing that I forgot. I forgot that the candle cannot last for long and its existence on this plane is temporary. When I became aware of this little truth, I understood that even my existence on this wondrous plane was temporary. And before the candle has left me, it is me who is leaving the candle. This walk into a new room may bring many more surprises and the candle remains a memory in this illusory story of existence.

22nd Oct 2009