In the existence where I stand, I see that I slowed down the metabolism of my life. The breathe had slowed down and the actions moved with a pace which was not my own. This stillness in the middle of the waves left me in silence, in peace, to witness “WHAT IS”.
From the middle of a pool, which plays the slowness, comes to surface the understanding of the true speed. The same speed which is now out, into a world that has no definition for time. It is the conception that has changed. Speed, from being a property of us has become the property of nature. It is a generalization rather than a change in the belief. Only when the perception agrees that the self is a part of nature with no line to discriminate between the two, will the speed be witnessed from the true light of existence.
This dissolving into the nature places us in a lonely place of divine dimensionality, where “MATTER DOESN’T MATTER”.
It’s an existence..
Beyond materialization!
The energy, it is..
Of the Light Form!
Which is the true self..
Defined in the space of Nothingness!!
18th Nov 2009