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Thursday, February 11, 2010


    This is not an article I am writing, it’s the story of one legendary figure who lived in my time. Yes, it is the story of ADITYA HIRAN…
    My life is legendary, with my identity being “A Legend”. True in this reality, is the existence of the legend who lives in me and also around me. All the happenings of my life are far more beautiful than those desires which existed in my past. This path of mine, filled with rose petals is not my creation. It is still the divine glory of this legend that calls itself the decider of paths. The presence of this divine spec of eternal consciousness which I call The Legend, is witnessed, not in magical times decided by fate, but at the instant when the inner me is witnessed.
    This realization of the legendary self, is but natural in the journey of life. It is the medium of my existence which is responsible for showcasing The Legend in my life. Though it is viscous, dense and thick, the medium is still so beautiful for a life’s journey.
    This medium as you all know, is called

     The Light Of Life!!

Note:The Article you have just read, is written from the grounds of humbleness. If you dont find it humble, it means you have to read it again!!
P.Aditya Hiran

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

THE STATIC WORLD : A Place Where The Flying Desires Landed!!

    In the substance of noise we understand the substance of silence. From the similar lines of reality, I continue to explore the true substance of the self. This journey towards the inner still appears beautiful and glorious, with every phase filled with new and satisfying accomplishments…
    It is in the reality called “Now” that I have a chance to question and know the true form of the happening. Immersed in this reality, the perception now believes that the plane called existence is static. This isn’t the nature of the world but is that of the self. It is not the clock that has stopped. It is the thought that has halted. The reflection of the self which was once a wanderer has now come to rest, signing off from instability, and walking into peace.
    The desireless state which was once considered an achievement now disappeared. The space of the self carrying the nothingness, helped in dissolving each accomplishment into the reality called “Now”. The doors are now open to enter a state that is truly meditative!!
Setting the Light of Fire
We are no more a Lier !!

Knowing that our Desire…
Is something that we already Hire!!!

Note: "We" here is singular representing the self..

-P.Aditya Hiran
7th Jan 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

See What The Candle Is...


                In the time of an imaginary existence of mine, there was a new happening unleashing a different feeling and experience in my everyday life. I named it as the discovery of a new world. Naming this world was a privilege given to me. It was a different world, and I called it “The Mirrored World”. Each and every object in this world resembled nothing but a mirror. All these mirrors and their reflections expressed a language of nothingness in their very existence. This existence was divine and undisturbed until one day, when a new character entered this world…
                Having put his first steps in this world, he found a beautiful white candle. The light of the candle was inspiring. Realizing this he walked towards the candle with utmost excitement. He felt enticed and enjoyed its presence in every step. Now that he came very close to the candle, he could hear his heart beating steadily. He wanted to touch this amazing little object which proved to be the ultimate source of light in this world. But all of a sudden his excitement came to a halt when he touched it. What appeared a candle wasn’t an object but was just a reflection in the mirror. The very next instant he became confused. Now with the passage of time, he slowly started contemplating about the candle…
                He remained with his eyes closed for a considerable amount of time. It seemed as though the whole universe was waiting for him to open his eyes. All the waiting had finally come to an end when he opened his eyes. There was a distinct spark of awareness in his eyes. Carrying the glow in his words he then revealed the all awaited truth about the candle in a single phrase…

                        “ What I had seen in the mirror,
                                                  Was my own True Self ”

31st Dec 2009

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At a different place, but still in love with the candle


    With the new air around, I recognize myself to be a part of a new place. The place which makes me feel the core of a new beginning, in the phases of life…

    The office and work brings to the fore, a new AVATAR of the self. It’s a new EYE that brings a distinction in the definition of the world. Perceiving the new blossoms of the world, brings an understanding of the life’s journey. A JOURNEY, INTO THE LIGHT…
    This witnessed travelling means a lot more than just the steps I make…


     Understanding the space of the self as unlimited, this experience reflects the colors of the existence. These colors, perceived as part of the world, now represent the LIFE FORCE, even in the presence of NOTHINGNESS.

The ice has melted
It has vaporized
To reach the distances
Far Away…

Only to feel
The touch of the candle
Which has shown me
The Way!!
13th DEC 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009



                    THE LITTLE TRUTHS OF LIFE

                  Recollecting the happenings in my life, let me write this beautiful story. One day I entered a room, which was filled with darkness that seemed unlimited in all its dimensions. Nothing was visible. I stayed and lived in the place where anger, frustration and tears had no meaning. There was no one to listen or speak to. With the dreadful darkness around me the only companions were the hopeless, weak thoughts.
                  Suddenly there was a feeling of hope taking roots from where I am, when I found a candle. It seemed as though the strength of my emotion touched the plane of the heavens, which brought help. Now, with the candle lighted I was reassured that the nature was helping me. For once I adored, respected and fell in love with the candle which showed me the world. I could now enjoy every bit of my existence as the room was filled with exquisitely beautiful things. There were no more thoughts but only pure happiness and joy that ruled my kingdom of life. The candle now appeared as God. It felt as though there was nothing more beautiful and lovely than this candle that I respect the most.
                 In this mesmerizing flow of events, there was one thing that I forgot. I forgot that the candle cannot last for long and its existence on this plane is temporary. When I became aware of this little truth, I understood that even my existence on this wondrous plane was temporary. And before the candle has left me, it is me who is leaving the candle. This walk into a new room may bring many more surprises and the candle remains a memory in this illusory story of existence.
22nd Oct 2009

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